Refund Policy

Gigcorn Refund Policy

At Gigcorn, we strive to ensure your satisfaction with every order you place. However, we understand that sometimes things don't go as planned. Our refund policy is designed to be straightforward and fair to both buyers and sellers.

Order Cancellation Before Seller Pickup

Order Cancellation After Seller Pickup

Refunds Due to Unfulfilled Requirements

Steps to Raise a Cancellation Ticket

  1. Submit a Ticket: Go to your order details and click on "Raise a Ticket".
  2. Provide Details: Clearly outline the requirements that were not met.
  3. Review Process: Our team will evaluate the details and may contact you for additional information.
  4. Decision: You will be notified of our decision within 3-5 business days.

Additional Information

Note: Any refund you will receive within 10 working days.

We aim to handle all refund requests promptly and fairly. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we are here to help with any concerns you may have regarding your orders on Gigcorn.

If you have any questions about our refund policy, please contact our support team at [support[at]gigcorn[dot]com].

Thank you for choosing Gigcorn!